P-31-Married GIRLS The Push, The Pull, The Purpose
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This group was created as a safe place for our married GIRLS to share, inspire, and cultivate! This is a place where togetHer we can become better wives, friends, and warriors within our marriage. I know for me getting married is easy but staying married is hard. When trouble comes I will pack up and run in a heart beat cause “I ain’t got to take this”, however I’ve learned that every day won’t be sunshine and lollie pops but yet sometimes a storm will come and you have to be able to ride that storm and stick together. After all our vows before man and God was for better or for worse! Whew we Jesus just typing that sent chills! After 3 failed marriages that’s the part I’m holding on to in this forth go around. That’s the part that I finally get. Please don’t judge me And that’s why it was put in my heart to create this group. So when times get hard we can come to our sistHers knowing that we won’t be judge and that we will be given good wise counsel. Now also remember everything isn’t for everyone therefor you have to chose what will and what will not work for you. You can connect with other members, get updates and share photos.
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June 10, 2023
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