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GIRL, Get Your Priorities TogetHER

Writer's picture: Jessica PontooJessica Pontoo

“If everything is important, then nothing is.”- Patrick Lencioni  

As women, we often wear many hats: mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend, aunt, business owner, house manager, superwoman. 

Multiply that by the numerous requests we receive to provide help, support, guidance, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and more, and it’s no wonder we often find ourselves at the bottom of our own lists of priorities. 

We know what we need to do, and we tell ourselves that we are finally going to do it. 

Each year, we make our resolutions. We say things like…

  • I am going to spend more time in the Word. 

  • I am going to finally purchase that gym membership and lose this weight. 

  • I am going to meal prep every Sunday so I can save time and money and eat healthier.

  • I am going to write my business plan.

  • I am going to publish that book. 

And after a few weeks, we’ve fallen into the same dysfunctional cycle of trying to be everything to everyone, trying to be everyone’s hero except our own. We live life seemingly on autopilot, running from one emergency to the next, showing up for everyone but ourselves. 

When we do finally have a moment to ourselves, we are so burned out, we waste it doing things that don’t serve us:

  • Mindlessly scrolling on social media

  • Binge-watching the hot, new show on Netflix 

  • Engaging in fruitless conversations 

  • Hanging out and having fun instead of handling business 

  • Drinking a glass of wine (or five) and drifting off to sleep

There never seems to be enough time to do what we said we wanted to do, to do the things we profess are important to us, will help make us better, will improve our physical and mental health, will help us access what Jesus promised–life and life more abundantly. Yet, the time we do carve out for ourselves, we spend on things that seem to move us further away from our goals. 

Sis, it’s time to get your priorities in order. 

A priority is something that has been deemed more important than something else. The problem is as women we struggle with choosing. We don’t make the hard choice to declare one thing as more important than the other often enough to see any real results in our efforts. Everything is all jumbled up together.

That just doesn’t work. 

So, now here we are in the month of February in the year 2024. Think about the confessions you made just last month. Have you accomplished them? Are you reading the Word more? Are you praying more? Are you earning more money in your business? Are you losing weight? Are you eating cleaner? Do you have more joy and peace in your heart? Is your house clean? Have you swept around your own front door, and your closet, too?

If you have to hesitate or think about it, chances are you haven’t achieved as much as you could have if you had made decisions that lined up with your confessions. 

But, why don’t we?

Because prioritizing requires sacrifice, and in a culture that teaches us that we can have it all without having to make tough choices about where we invest our resources, we don’t want to sacrifice. 

I asked Holy Spirit to lead me to a gender-specific example of this in the scripture, and He led me to Matthew 25: The Parable of the 10 Virgins (or Bridesmaids* in the New Living Translation)

*A bridesmaid in this context is a woman about to get married.

Let’s read it together. 

Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids

25 “Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids] who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3 The five who were foolish didn’t take enough olive oil for their lamps, 4 but the other five were wise enough to take along extra oil. 5 When the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

6 “At midnight they were roused by the shout, ‘Look, the bridegroom is coming! Come out and meet him!’

7 “All the bridesmaids got up and prepared their lamps. 8 Then the five foolish ones asked the others, ‘Please give us some of your oil because our lamps are going out.’

9 “But the others replied, ‘We don’t have enough for all of us. Go to a shop and buy some for yourselves.’

10 “But while they were gone to buy oil, the bridegroom came. Then those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was locked. 11 Later, when the other five bridesmaids returned, they stood outside, calling, ‘Lord! Lord! Open the door for us!’

12 “But he called back, ‘Believe me, I don’t know you!’

13 “So you, too, must keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return.

In this story, Jesus tells the story of 10 virgins who are preparing themselves for a wedding. The women gather their lamps and go out to meet their bridegroom. It can't get more gender-specific than a woman preparing for her wedding! 

Those P-31 wives and wives-to-be understand the excitement, pleasure, joy, anxiety, but most of all, the preparation that goes into getting married. 

So, the women go out to meet the bridegroom but there is a delay. The women all fall asleep and in the middle of the night, the bridegroom appears. The women wake up and grab their lamps to go out and meet him. Five of the women brought enough oil to refill their lamps, five did not and their lamps began to flicker and fade as their oil had been consumed. 

The five without any oil ask to borrow from the five who had oil. They deny them and tell them to go into the market and purchase more. By the time the women return, the bridegroom has shut the door. 

While this parable is a warning to always be prepared for Christ’s return, it’s also a story about misplaced priorities. 

Oftentimes, people assume that parables about the Kingdom of Heaven are only about Heaven. However, when Jesus came to the earth, He brought Heaven with Him to show us how to experience Heaven in the earth, through the application of kingdom principles.

In that sense, this parable is teaching us to prepare to receive that which we confess is our desire. 

Let’s examine the key characters and objects: 

10 Bridesmaids–Five considered to be wise and five considered to be foolish. 

I looked up the biblical definition of foolish to better understand what Jesus wanted us to know about these women. Here’s what it said:

Someone who refuses to listen to wisdom or learn from discipline

Acting without regard to the divine law or glory, or to one’s own eternal happiness 

So even though these five foolish women knew they had a wedding to prepare for, they chose to focus only on what mattered most to them in the moment with no regard for their future or for the instructions they received. I wouldn’t be surprised if the 10 women spent their time leading up to the wedding together, which was often custom. So it’s not unlikely that they saw the wise women preparing their oil and chose to reject the wisdom of their example. 

The lamps represent the women’s confessions: 

“I want to be married.”

“I am going out to meet him.”

“I want to be with him.”

“I want to live life with him.” 

But just like a lamp, our confession is useless without the oil that powers it. 

Olive oil was produced by crushing olives in order to release the oil. This gave light to the lamp. Likewise, when we endure crushing, these sacrifices are what power our confessions. 

All of the women had lamps, but only the wise women had extra oil in their vessels, which no one could see. Externally, all the women looked the same, but when the rubber met the road, the women who had been diligent in their sacrifice and wise in their decisions achieved the goal, and the ones who were quite literally left out in the cold.

Too many of us are content with doing “just enough”, except "just enough" is never enough.

Too many of us have lamps and no oil. Confessions without the decisions to back it up. The confession is merely the vehicle to carry your life’s choices.

When someone looks at your decisions, they should reflect your confession. 

What are you confessing?---I love God; He is the head of my life. 

What are you spending your time doing? —-Where’s your oil?

What are you confessing?---I love GIRLS. I don’t know where I would be without this AMAZING organization. 

What are you spending your time doing?---Where’s your oil?

What are you confessing?---This single life is for the birds. I am ready for my Boaz.

What are you spending your time doing?---Where’s your oil?

What are you confessing?---I want time and financial freedom; I am serious about getting my business off the ground. 

What are you spending your time doing?---Where’s your oil?

What are you confessing?---I know there’s a calling on my life; I am done burying my talents. 

What are you spending your time doing?---Where’s your oil?

What are you confessing?---I need to lose weight. 

What are you spending your time doing?---Where’s your oil?

What are you confessing?---I need to get my health together.

What are you spending your time doing?---Where’s your oil?

What are you confessing?---Life is too short. I am ready to live!

What are you spending your time doing?---Where’s your oil? 

Do your decisions align with your confession?

If not, then GIRL, it’s time to get your priorities together!


Think about a confession that you have not been putting enough effort toward. 

Ask yourself “Is this truly something that is important to me or is this something I think is supposed to be important to me?”

If it’s not truly important to you, make a new confession. 

If it is important do the following: 

Seek wisdom on what you are trying to achieve. Biblical wisdom may be found in three key places:

  1. The Word of God–Research what the bible has to say about your confession. 

  2. Wise Counsel--Have a conversation with someone who has done what you are trying to do. Ask them to help you. 

  3. Prayer–Pray for increased wisdom and discipline. Listen for instructions and/or reminders about what to embrace and what to let go.

Next, make a list of commitments that you will need to complete in order to live in alignment with your confessions. Think of these like SMART goals. For example, if your confession is “I am going to lose 20 pounds”, one of your commitments could be “I will sign up for a gym membership before Friday.”  

Share your confession and commitments with your accountability partner. 

"Procrastination is the arrogant assumption that God owes you another chance to do tomorrow what he gave you the chance to do today."


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Susie O’Neal
Susie O’Neal
May 15, 2024

I looked how getting our priorities in order were compared to SMRT Goals. As an educator this really resonated with me. I always try to measure how things fit together. For example: one goal I want to focus on is making my priorities relevant to what pleases God. Do I always succeed? Of course not. My prayer is God make my connections and life’s work relevant and in alignment to your purpose and plan for me. Thank you My GIRL for making this reading connect to God’s place and purpose.


Mar 02, 2024

This reading helped me tremendously. I have not been prioritizing. It seems as if i have been all over the place since the new year began. I don't mean being a busy body running here and there, but my mind has been cluttered. I've been focusing on decluttering and staying on task. There are things on my list that i began that i need to continue. There is one area that I'm passionate about that i have yet to begin doing. It is a must that i get my priorities together.


Unknown member
Mar 01, 2024

Better late than never!! This reading really helped me put my priorities & time management into perspective. Like for example I've been saying I want my businesses to be successful but I know I'm really not putting in the effort needed for them to be. Therefore, I definitely have to prioritize my time better and let my confessions line up with my decisions and actually do the work!!! This really blessed me!!


Feb 29, 2024

So I read this post last week and then I listened to Jessica live last night and it hit home for me. I was afraid to be honest about my confusion. I always try to paint the picture of being ok when I'm really at the point of giving up.So my confessions for me is I don't feel that I'm worthy of being in love by a real man so that's the reason why I work a lot so I don't have a dating life another confession for me is I don't study my word like I want to being a PK kid I grew up in the church and I know that being in your word help you al…

Jessica Pontoo
Jessica Pontoo
Feb 29, 2024
Replying to

Wow!! Jordan 🥺🥺. This was so raw and authentic and honest. This is the point where change begins to happen. When we examine ourselves. The Holy Spirit knows where we are and what we need. He’s just waiting for us to come into agreement with Him. You did that last night. That “click” that you experienced was you coming to the truth that I need Him and I can’t do life without Him, no matter how hard I try. What a revelation and know that you know better, you’ll be open to allowing Him to lead you down the path of your destiny. And no it won’t be easy and yes it will be uncomfortable but it’s so worth it…


Kaiesha McGruder
Kaiesha McGruder
Feb 27, 2024

Priorities, putting the first thing first. Not letting your light dim because you don't have enough oil. Jessica you definitely gave us several references to help us understand. I am definitely on a busy journey at this moment. I have suggested some changes to myself but have not fully implemented all that I have suggested.

  1. Work out consistently- have worked out several times but I am still not consistent, like 3 to 5 times a week consistent. I'm doing like a day here a day there.

  2. Pay off debt-I know that this is going to take true dedication, planning and sacrifice. I am still working on this for sure.

  3. reading my word- I definitely did each day of my 21…

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