Hello to all my queens, my beautiful girls. I have been thinking and praying about what I wanted to discuss for this month’s blog for an entire month. I said to myself a couple of weeks ago. I should consider allowing someone else to do it because I do not have it. God told me yes you do have it; I gave it to you three years ago and now it is time to share it with your GIRLS. My first initial thought was Lord I thought this was a sermon that you wanted me to preach. He said you are going to preach it, and it starts now with your GIRLS. Well, who am I to argue with anything that the Lord says? Be quiet Jessica and Chasity, I just heard you say child you stay fighting, which is why it is not easy, and your arms are too short to box with God. And guess what, they are so I am walking out this thing called obedience. So, let us get into it. Whether you know it or not, feel it or not but we all are pregnant. We all are carrying something that God wants us to deliver that will be impactful to this earth and that will help others. What does it mean to deliver? It means to bring and hand over. You are to release what God gave to you first into someone else. John 16:21 says that “when a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into this world.”
We are speaking of spiritual pregnancies and the way the Lord gave this to me is by way of using the three trimesters that a woman goes through before she gives birth.
When a woman first conceives, she does not know right away. She begins to know that something is wrong or off because her body begins to go through transformations that would alarm her and allow her to know that something is wrong. She may have morning sickness, she may have missed a cycle, and something occurs to let her know that a shift has happened, and change is occurring. Well, I hate to be the bearer of sad news, but you have shifted, and a change has begun. You all are pregnant and expecting. God has placed something unique in each one of you that he wants you to birth into the earth. What am I saying? I am glad you asked. It is time to go through the stages of pregnancy because you all must get into position and be able to deliver what is growing inside of you. It is time to deliver. But before you deliver there are some things that must take place.

1) Prepare
In the first trimester a woman’s body begins to prepare itself. The seed has been planted and taken root and now her body goes through changes. This is the stage where you must watch what you put in your body and in this case watch what you are allowing to attach to your spirit. You are normally tired during this stage and resting a lot. This was the stage where you accepted Christ and became a new creature. You have accepted God’s word by faith and now you are beginning to allow him to GROW inside of you. This is where Romans 12:2 has taken root. “And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Your old way of thinking begins to change because you are now a new creature in Christ. Now I am not trying to scare you, but this is also the stage where miscarriages and abortions happen. God said that you will not abort this baby (voluntarily lose it), nor will you miscarry (involuntarily lose it). You will not allow your emotions to hinder what is growing inside of you. Fear, feelings of being unworthy or unqualified will not stop what is growing inside of you. 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Philippians 1:6 “He who has begun a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” There are instructions that your doctor gives you during this first trimester. You must take prenatal vitamins as well as see your obgyn. For us, the word of God, fasting, prayer, praising, and worshiping are our vitamins. Your Obgyn is God. You should be spending time with him daily.

2) Power
So, the second trimester is when a woman feels energized. This is the time where you can see that you are pregnant, the baby is growing fast, you experience discomfort, you have a few aches and pains, and your skin begins to stretch. I hate to disappoint you, but this will be your most difficult trimester. On this spiritual journey it is when Romans 5:3-5 will come to life. “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience, and patience, experience, and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. We normally want to avoid this stage because we do not want to go through anything. We do not want to be stretch, just let me serve you, I do not need all the extra stuff. Oh, ok, I am the only fighter here, aren’t I?? This is also the stage where Satan wants to make you deliver prematurely because if he can, he knows that what you were carrying can potentially die. But know this also, just because you deliver prematurely does not mean the baby will die, it means that God will continue to incubate or cultivate the baby until it is time to come forth. So do not give up hope if you deliver prematurely because God still has a plan. God has purpose for your life and what you are carrying is vital, important, and the world needs it. Do not be anxious, do not grow tired or weary, because the best is yet to come and that which is inside of you is going to make a powerful impact once it is pushed out. This is also the stage where if you do not rely on anyone or anything else. You need to be led by the Holy Spirit. Because you have made it to the power stage you can dance. Why dance?? I am glad you asked. Because here is where you realize you have come too far to turn around now.

3) Position
Welcome to your last trimester. There is usually a lot of activity going on. Baby flipping, flopping, and kicking. You are tired a lot, feeling abdominal pains, may experience some Braxton hick’s contractions. You are uncomfortable, not able to sleep, feeling a lot of pressure, and you know labor will begin. This is the stage if I can give it to you the way God gave it to me. This is the stage where he wants out of you that he has placed in you. He wants it out of you because it is too big to remain there. Not only is it too big to remain there it is not just for you but for you to share with others. This is the stage where you get into position and begin to push once the contractions are coming. So, this is what I want you to answer and reflect upon. What is it that God has told you to birth that you have not done? It is too big to stay inside of you. What business are you to start? What book are you to write? What sermon or word of encourage are you supposed to be releasing to others? GIRL, it is too big to stay inside of you. Someone is waiting on your ideas. You are the solution to someone’s problem. Your blessings are tied to your obedience. Why won’t you push? What is hindering you? What is the hold up? The labor pains will not cease until the baby is out. Do you know what the right position to be in for you is? In this case it is the position of surrendering. Have you surrendered your all to him? He chose you because he knew you were the right woman for the job. You are bold, unique, fearfully, and wonderfully made. Not only that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.
So today God sent me to serve as your midwife. It is time to push this baby out so that you can impact someone else’s life. People are waiting on you. PUSH, you can do it. PUSH, it is not too hard. PUSH, you can do all things through Christ that gives you strength. If you look and all you see is the enemy look again and PUSH. God is with you, he sees, he cares, and he is concerned about you. He is with you guiding you, leading you, and fighting for you PUSH. You will deliver this baby without any complications. You will not die; your baby will not die. But what you cannot do is keep stopping the labor. It is a necessity for you to PUSH!

Lord God, I thank you for my sisters. I thank you that even though we all are at different stages during our pregnancies that the end goal is to deliver/birth what you have placed inside of us. Help us to not grow weary in well doing. Help us to see that it is not about us but you. That what we are carrying is for your Glory and to help someone else. I thank you that we will be impactful in the earth. We will go where you say, do what you tell us to do, and be obedient in every season. We will do these things the FIRST time that you tell us to do them. We all are unique, and you have given us all a gift and that gift needs to be utilized in the earth realms. We call forth, decree, declare, and manifest that we will PUSH in this season. This is our prayer in Jesus’ name, thank God and Amen.
So, in the transparent moment, I thought I posted to the blog. I read it and I did the work and wrote it in my journal but I didn't post it here. I'll be back to post! Awesome blog!
So, in the transparent moment, I thought I posted to the blog. I read it and I did the work and wrote it in my journal but I didn't post it here. I'll be back to post! Awesome blog!
Position and Power are the hardest stages for me. God is rerouting my thinking and causing my perspective to change in so many ways right now! Whewwwww
I gave a similar word like this a couple months ago on my podcast!!! So this definitely hit home!!! Beautiful post!!!! I’m going through my pregnancy now…. 🙌🏾🙌🏾
😭😭😱 WOW! This was awesome! Definitely put it into a great perspective! I love it ❤️❤️