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Writer's pictureCHASITY ANTHONY

It's Tuesday! GIRLS Let's Talk!

Updated: May 9, 2023

Welcome to GIRLS Talk Blog's New Home!

Cultivating Conversations for Today's Christian Ladies

Where my GIRLS at!?!? One time for the GIRLS that are committed to creating cultivating moments togetHER! This space is devoted to you! Our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ actually spoke of you over 2000 years ago, and provided a GRAND provision of assurance in Matthew 5:6. Jesus said:

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Those who seek God in everything begin to see God in everything, are you seeking God?

I'm Dr. Chasity Dean-Anthony, the FoundHER and holistic keepHER of GIRLS! The CultivatHER of all things GRAND, and I am committed to inspiring spiritual transformation and elevation. It is my prayer for each of my GIRLS that you will enter this sacred space Hungry and Thirsty for Righteousness! That you will STAY THIRSTY, and that every time you enter this space you are filled, you find fulfillment, and that your righteous desires are fulfilled through the words scribed through divine inspiHERation to speak to each and every one of your real life situations! We GIRLS know that we all need Godly inspiHERation in Real Life Situations!

Check in EVERY 2nd Tuesday of every month!

A new conversation will drop every second Tuesday of the month. Join the conversation by engaging monthly. Once you check in be sure to do the 3 R's

  1. Read- Read the Blog with an open mind and heart, and with expectancy of hearing from God!

  2. Respond- Share your thoughts about the topic, share what you feel God is speaking to you

  3. Reply- We cultivate through collective engagement, this is a conversation so read and reply to your GIRLS contributions, you may have a testimony or encouragement that God has designed to support your sistHER

Here's Today's Conversation StartHER

Why are you here? Do you believe in and embrace the Christian concept of sistHERhood?

It's important to know your why? It's important to know and understand what we individually believe and collectively believe. The true concept of sisterhood is found in Scripture. It does not change as society changes. It is not reactionary. It works for the glory of God through the proclamation of the gospel. It's constant and consistent in every season. It uplifts, it encourages, it supports, it corrects, it transforms others through the finished work of Christ. It's genuine, it's transparent, it's venerable, it's open to give and receive God's love. It's not a thing, or cute concept, thought or idea, but it is a living breathing organism. It is me, I am Christian sistHERhood, is it you? We are GIRLS, but every GIRL puts the I in GIRL. Reflect on this. How do you put the I in GIRLS? Share your thoughts........

Let us pray

Gracious and eternal father! We thank you! Thank you for your unwavering support and unconditional love that you so lavishly bestow on us daily. Let GIRLS be the sistHERhood that represents you in all our ways! Help us oh father as GIRLS to walk in your light! Help us to not only walk in your light but help us to be your light. Let our ways support your ways. Let us open our hearts to experience the fullness of your love through our sisters. Help us to be GREAT GIRLS of GODLY PURPOSE! Help us to continue to let our lights shine in the darkness that we may be a city set on a hill that draws others to you. Help us to live a life that glorifies your name and edifies and inspires every GIRL around the world.

In Christ name we pray!


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Shaquita Lemons
Shaquita Lemons
Jun 29, 2023

I'm here because I wanted to surround myself with a group of Godly women. I'm super excited about my new role in GIRLS. I love GIRLS!


Shelia Haggins
Shelia Haggins
Jun 26, 2023

I am here because I felt at home with all my girls! I am learning to believe in myself and to continue to keep holding on to my faith no matter what!! My girls keep me up lifted and I feel so much love and there strength!


Tyland Lee
Tyland Lee
May 30, 2023

Why am I here? Before I joined GIRLS, I was looking for a true Christian sisterHERhood. When I was first invited to become apart of GIRLS, I noticed the love and support from GIRLS. GIRLS has been a blessing to me and my household! Thankful to be apart of GIRLS!


May 30, 2023

Why am I here? I am here to join forces with other like minded Christian Women to continue the work I am already doing and will con to do. Our environment, community, people we hang around is a direct impact of how we operate in our day to day life. I have oil that I can pour into one of my sisters to support them and vice versa they have oil that can pour into me as a way of love and support!


May 22, 2023

Why am I here? I am here because I wanted to be around Godly, like-minded women without any drama. Growing up I had bad experiences with girls so I became one of the guys and they were my friends. Also I am here because I needed to become more social and less of an introvert. I've always had a small support system but GIRLS was my icing to the cake as people would say when something is already sweet for them. I do believe in and embrace the christian concept of sistHERhood. It's a community of women linked together by God and founded on Christian principals which is necessary and needed. We need the word of God to live li…

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