Hey GiRL! I need you. For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12 G(odly) I(nspirations) in R(eal) L(ife) S(ituations) can’t happen if we don’t have women willing to be exactly what we identify as. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Revelations 12: 11
Terms to know and reflect through this blog
Testimony- evidence in support of a fact or statement; proof
Sisterhood – the solidarity of women based on shared conditions, experiences or concerns Time
Talent - natural ability or skill
Treasure - something of great worth or value
Accountability - an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions.
Vulnerability – a state of emotional exposure that comes with a degree of uncertainty.
So I am going to begin with sharing my testimony of how GIRLS transformed, me which in turn transformed my world.

MY TESTIMONY: As a young child it was always my desire to be a wife and mother. At one point I thought I wanted to be a lawyer but I knew I wanted to have a family. I had watched my grandmother nurture and pray for her family. Then the same with my mom and her siblings. God had granted this request and my world literally only included them. I had event took a pause with college to make sure I was all I needed to be as a mom & wife (note: you don’t have to stop, I should have kept going). It was that desire to make sure I was doing everything as a Christian (religion still no relationship yet) so I had being following Paula White, Juanita Bynum, reading books, watching what I thought was good reality TV but I would see more about GIRLS and thought let me look into this. In 2017, I was intrigued with the blogs GIRLS World was producing. It was exactly what I wanted a relevant and relatable word. Fast forward to GIRLS Weekend: Little Rock I volunteered to be on the planning committee. It was my task to be the leadHER for our GIRLS Bosses VendHER Event. Now the wife and mother in me got cold feet and was not able to leave my family for the entire weekend but because I am a woman of my word, I had to attend Saturday. I watched this small assembly of ladies celebrate God and I looked around and there were wives and mothers (now, how did they get the courage to leave their children & husbands behind?). I became more curious and continued to give a little more time. I had become more vested in the sustainability of this organization and became the Global LeadHER liason and even joined the Fiscal Committee. Now, I thought I didn’t have time but I made time because it added value! We fast forward to Summer 2020, it was time to level up, dig in more & truly be accountable to an organization that I had grown to love. We then fast forward to 4 years later, I had time I just had to make sure I managed it well. There is a small part of this testimony not connected to GIRLS that really showed me that I owed me the time I wasn’t giving me. Spring Break 2018, My brother had called and said he was getting my boys for Spring Break. I said no, we may come down for a few days but you don’t have to get them. I was already wrapping my mind around my oldest daughter taking a week long cruise with her senior sponsor and classmates (this doesn’t happen). KIPP had already caused me to get use to annual EOY trips now this is something on a large body of water and other countries. Then my aunt called and asked if she could get my youngest daughter for the week, what a set up. I didn’t really agree but we allowed it to happen. What a glimpse into my soon reality! I have halted life to revolve around this family I’ve created and I don’t know anything about this woman that is existing, me. Now, I will tell you later, I had to repent because while many had these idol gods, I had created one (another story for another time). It gave me time to dig more because GIRLS was a judgement free, Christian space where we have biblical application through the blog and different activities through the facets. I will say over the past 7 years, I have grown tremendously and so excited about what God yet has in store!
My Reach to YOU: Do YOU reflect the value you confess!
Proverbs 31:10b for her price is far above rubies.

There are many things one can use to measure value but we want to look at your time, talent and treasure.

It’s no coincidence 1st that my blog happened during leap year. As I listened to Holy Spirit concerning this, I was convicted. I always wish for more time and wish I could get an extra day. This year we happened to get an extra 24hrs and I still didn’t do anything extra but consume it with more stuff. We have time for a lot of things it’s even in scripture. But we have to make sure to manage it.
There is a special time for everything. There is a time for everything that happens under heaven. 2 There is a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pick what is planted. 3 There is a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up. 4 There is a time to cry, and a time to laugh; a time to have sorrow, and a time to dance. 5 There is a time to throw stones, and a time to gather stones; a time to kiss, and a time to turn from kissing. 6 There is a time to try to find, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away. 7 There is a time to tear apart, and a time to sew together; a time to be quiet, and a time to speak. 8 There is a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace. Ecclesiastes 3:1-9 (NLT)
Then where our talent is utilized. Administration, Apostleship, Craftsmanship; Discernment; Encouragement; Evangelism; Faith; Giving; Healing; Helping; Hospitality; Intercession; Knowledge; Leadership; Mercy; Miracles; Prophecy; Serving; Shepherding; Teaching; Tongues & Interpretation; Wisdom are just a few of the talents we can list that God has given to his people. How do you avail these for the edification of the body of Christ? Do we stop just at our church, of course not? If we see the church as a physical location but when we see and understand that we are many members but ONE body it flows differently. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:10-11
Last our treasure it can be tangible or intangible but it’s those things you value most! Are you willing to give your best dress to your sister for the edification of the body? Can you sacrifice your weekly lunch stipend for the edification of the body? Are you okay with holding something tangible or intangible that is blocking someone from receiving the breakthrough needed to be free?
For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, "You shall open wide your hand to your brother (sister), to the needy and to the poor in your land." Deuteronomy 15:11
So when you're wondering if you're worth the investment, worth the sacrifice the answer is YES!!!! The more you pour into you the more you're able to be the best form of you in every other setting that requires you. When you are worn out, when you aren't healthy, when you aren't empowered, when you are empty and still pouring you lose value and the quality God intended you to posses when He created you!
Your most devastating experience wasn’t for you but it was because GOD trusted that you would use it to glorify him but you don’t have the time because you’re too busy, you don’t have money because you’re too proud to say you need help and you want to make sure you keep your nice dresses you can’t no longer fit for the time you finally lose weight. If we knew how we managed our time, treasure and talent could free someone would we do it differently.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the conviction and love that you give me through your word. I thank you for the chance to be your hand & feet in the earth realm. I ask that you forgive me for not managing the time, treasure and talent that you gifted me to best edify the kingdom. I thank you for this avenue with GIRLS that allows me to cultivate with likeminded women. God we desire a fresh anointing of creativity when it comes to spreading your Gospel. WE as that you give us divine strategy as to maximize our time, manage our treasure and best use our talent. GIve me the opportunity to share your love and testify of your grace and mercy that you give daily. Allow us to be both ends of giving and recieving of your love through GIRLS. We ask that you forgive us for opportunities that we did share and provide us another chance. We thank you that your forgiveness is available to us. We thank you for enabling us to be functioning members in the body of Christ. Bless us to make wise decisions and discern the best path for our lives. Give us the knowledge and insight we need to face challenges because we know we aren't perfect but through you we are made righteous.
We thank you for GIRLS and its vision and mission. We pray for our leadHERS as they continue to seek you and lead us in this shift. Eyes haven't seen nor ears heard the great things you have in store for us but we say, THANK YOU in advance.
In Jesus' Name,

1. TIme - We are given 24hrs a day. Can we find 60 mins (a 1/10 of our day is 2hrs 40 mins) to set aside to evangelize for 30 days (2 Cor 5:20). If you utilize social media use #AmbassadHERforChrist
2. Treasure - What do you have and no long use that could be life changing for someone else. GIVE it now this will be something that afterwards if you feel led to share (that's a testimony) because even in giving it can bless you tremendously. (Acts 20:35) Come back and share without using anyone's name.
3. Talent - This one blesses me every time. So the very thing that upsets most times is because you hold the talent/gift to fix it. Now we work in order so make sure you consult your leader if it's outside of GIRLS and consult Dr. C if it's within GIRLS. (Matthew 25:14-30/ James 1:17) We are many members of ONE body.... we need you functioning as God created you so we are able to function as God knew we could.
4. Testimony - Your testimony is the one thing someone needs to THRIVE! They need it to keep going and get to the next level. Help them unlock the greatness. Pray and ask God to give you how, when and where you should share it.

Listen, if you've gotten hear thanks for seeing this through. This blog has been a pour from me that I pray blesses you as you do the work and you can then answer, YES!!!! I reflect the value I confess!
Your GIRL,
Evelena Nicole Terry
Thank you for sharing such inspiring words. Oftentimes, I find myself giving to the point of exhaustion. This blog made me think about some relationships I have recently gotten involved in(friendships). I realize when you are being drained and pulled from every direction, it is time to stop and reset, rest and relax. I pray that God gives me the strength to pull back from distractions and focus on my wellness. Thanks for posting my Girl.
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. I’m currently going through something and praying for discernment to know when to share my story and allow God to turn it into a testimony for inspiring others!
This month has been a POURING OUT of my time, talent, and treasure. I spent HOURS AND HOURS time requiring many late nights and early mornings prepping for out Inaugural WWIPCW and New Members intake!!! My talents of administration, strategic planning, event planning, crowd funding, encouragement, were poured out to ensure that each of my GIRLS and guest had a breathtaking, mind blowing Natural and physical experience. I gave of my treasure as well, i gifted some beautiful gifts to some of my GIRLS. All to edify my sistHERS in everyway possible.
Awesome Blog Nicole, it truly hit home for me. I have lived your testimony with you. I'm so proud of the WOG, wife, mother, sister and Aunt. You have become and you keep doing what you are doing because you are doing an amazing job!! I'll pray and ask God when, where and how to give my testimony and I accept the challenge. Love you!!!
Good stuff my GIRL!!! I have to let this digest!!!
But thank you for your testimony!!! Truly blessed me!