P.retty GIRLS Walk Like This.... This...This... or whatever Big Boss Vette said......
In the world we live in there has always been a lot of emphasis placed on the way women walk. From girls attending charm school and having to walk with books on their heads in the antebellum world to ripping the runway with a mean naomi cambell or Beyonce model walk. The powerfully poetic wordsmith Maya Angelou pinned it this way in her poem titled Phenomenal Woman

If you're are anything like me and my young adult friends we practiced in the mirror trying to perfect our model walk in those 6-inch platform heels, only to get out in public and step down the wrong way and try to make a graceful recovery or if you were lucky enough you had someone to catch your balance on. As Christian women, it's time for us to stop walking this way and learn to walk HIS way.
Sis, there's no pretty way to put it. It's time to Walk out our Truth! It's time, to tell the truth, and shame the devil. It's time to be in or out. It's time to be hot or cold. It's time to REPENT, and Walk it Like You Talk it! Let's talk about Truth and that taboo topic of Christian Accountability.
Accountability vs Chrisitan Accountability
According to Webster's dictionary Accountability is :
An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions
So basically God says to the world I see your accountability and I raise you one higher. Now if we are being in honest GIRLS.... yes I said GIRLS ... Those Christian ladies that wear the title of Godly inspiHERation in Real Life Situations if you will do a quick self-assessment and be honest with ourselves most of us are struggling with basic worldly accountability. Sis you out here trying to model walk in these 6 inches heels in the spirit of integrity and ya' tripping and slipping all the way up and down this runway of life, when in reality you need to go put them Lil Debbie heels on, shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel, and tip toe your way to the corner, because you are OUT OF ORDER!
God might be stepping on some toes, but as the preacher says just say ouch and Lord help me to honor you with my walk. Wheeeeeewww chiillleeeeee this one is for the real Grown Women!!
GIRLS It's time to Walk it Like We Talk It!

This month in our blog we are going to focus on 3 Actions of Accountability
3. Accountability to ourselves to be willing to receive correction and guidance when our walk is out of alignment with our talk.
Talk It
Take a moment to reflect and pray and ask God to reveal to you an area of your Christian walk where your talk is not in alignment with your walk.
As GIRLS Live members we made a covenant before God to our GIRLS and are you honoring that covenant?
In GIRLS Global you completed a questionnaire that asked if you were committed to cultivating and growing in God with our Christian Community, are you tapping in and participating in those cultivation opportunities?
Be real open and honest and accountable to God first and then yourself
The word of God says in 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
After examining yourselves the word of God tells us in James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Be real open and honest and accountable to your GIRLS
Walk It!
Once you have aired it out, it's time to get back up again, and walk it like you talk it. But the beautiful thing about christian community is that you don't have to get back up on your own, Your GIRLS are running to your rescue, with and hand out to help you get back up again. We are here to walk along side you to be your strength, to be your cheerleader, to be your accountabilty partner. The reality is (inserts Donny McClurkin) Baby we ALL Fall Down, but we get up, because a saint is just a sinner who fell down, but got back up.
The word of God says in Proverbs 24:16
Though a righteous person falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin.
Luke 22:32 says And I have prayed for you that your faith will not fail, and when you are restored, confirm your brothers (sisters).
Baby Your GIRLS GOT YOU! But you got to be willing to walk in the 3 actions of accountability! My LS Donita said it best Sunday that our GIRLS theme song shall be "I need you to Survive"
I pray for you, you pray for me I love you I need you to survive......
Let's Not just survive, but let's THRIVE!
In order to THRIVE we MUST Walk it Like We Talk it!
Your challenge for this month is to examine, confess, repent, and walk it out.
Share 1 area in GIRLS that you need to strengthen your accountability, then go through our members list and share who you would like to be your prayer partner and accountability partner to pray and check in on you for the month of August.

Click Here to access Christian Accountability Partner: A Beginner’s Guide
This is a practical guide to cultivating an accountability relationship.
Press in Sis, then watch God work!!
GrandHER Glory we GIRLS are coming for you this month!
Let us Pray
Loving Lord, thank You for Your written Word. I want to be accountable to You in my Christian life. Give me a teachable Spirit and a desire to apply all the truths that I am learning, for I desire to do Your will in my life. Jesus, by your Holy Spirit, hold us accountable for believing the gospel. Continuance in the gospel is the test of spiritual reality. As we participate in our accountability challenge, let us be zealous to hold each other accountable for walking like we talk it. When we walk in integrity before you and our GIRLS, and everything else will take care of itself. Jesus in your holy and righteous name we pray,
Hello. Just me reading and listening to this, God is holding me accountable for my actions. August has been a tough month for me also I'm learning to how to deal with real life situations. I have to learn to depend on God trust him at his work and dwell in my life on a daily basis.
This was a great read and eye opener as I continue to work on and strive to be more accountable with Gods business. This month has been a struggle however I have been praying for guidance because things will always arise. Be blessed my GIRLS!
I'm working on balance in my life to start becoming more consistent.
And to be more involved with my girls.
One area in GIRLS I would say I can strengthen my accountability in is being more engaged in getting to know some of the ladies from other lines. I would love to connect and network with everyone.
I know for a fact one area that I need to work on is being more present. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with things going on in my life I drop the ball and fall short of my commitment to the group. I've been working on learning how to balance all aspects of my life that way no one is left behind but I'm so grateful that I have people in my corner to help me get back on track